Time to keep yourself in stitches with some funny computer wallpaper. It is amazing how many sites are out there just begging you to check them out. The great part, they are FREE. So nice to get a little back now and then isn't it?
has tons of funny one liners to keep you smilin' from ear to ear. For the ultimate "computer geek" Yes, that is all of us, so stop trying to ignore the fact. "You Tube, Myspace and I'll Google your Yahoo." All in bright fun colors to keep you smiling away. How about an old man sitting in his p.j.s on his computer, underneath it simply says, "Mouse Potato". This site is a must see. All of the images are free.
Offers a series of funny drawings and more. This site is very well organized and offers tons of different funny computer wallpaper. From caricatures to movie funnies, you will get a kick out of some of the images you will find on this site.
not only offers great funny computer wallpaper, but also; cell ringers, computer sounds, audio clips, videos. This is a must see site for tons of laughter. This site also offers a line specifically for Windows Vista.
features a ton of the greats. For example Calvin and Hobbs, the true laughter pair. Yes, we all know that Calvin could be a little, weird at times, but what kid isn't. Don't be ashamed to admit it. We are all weird kids deep down. This site also offers the opportunity to explore other sites that may even have more funny computer wallpaper for you to enjoy. You can also enjoy many other fun and neat wallpapers from the rest of their collections.
Funny Computer Wallpaper

Reviewed by gardu
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5